Old Irish – 100% Real Virtual Reality Irish Trip (2016) (Georgia)

Old Irish - 100% Real Virtual Reality Irish Trip (2016) (Georgia)
In Georgia, the tagline for is Old Irish “100% Irish”. To promote it Leavingstone built a bar in a public square and had a woman tempt passers by with a Virtual Reality trip to Ireland. As the unsuspecting VR tourists were staring at scenic Irish landscapes in their VR goggles, an entire Irish pub was rolled up around them, and a scary looking big “Irish” bloke eventually told them to take the googles off. Shocked the VR tourists get to experience what it’s like at a pub lock-in, singing to Sinead O’Connor and crashing beer bottles over ones head. Okay, maybe that doesn’t happen in Ireland, but the pub culture is real, the beer tastes nice and that’s what these VR tourists will remember. 100% Irish indeed. Crazy stunt, guys – how did you not get drunk doing it?

Nike "Just do it: Greece" (2016) 1:00 (Greece)

We’re not defined by circumstance or what is broken. We’re more than an our surroundings. Considering Greecee was the birthplace of the Olympics, and considering the economic hardships it has endured for a while now, this is a very powerful piece from Nike. I love the juxtaposition of athletes with their abandoned, dilapidated training centers. This goes way beyond Nike’s usual selfish messaging that it’s all about me as in (I will) just do it, and instead taps into a more important purpose of sport: to unite us. Whether it’s being united or a team or a an entire country celebrating a win, sport is more than the sum of its parts.
Well done, Nike and W+K Amsterdam.

By the way, the athletes featured in this spot are: medal-winning and Olympic hopeful pole vaulter Nikoleta Kyriakopulou, NBA star, the Greek Freak, Giannis Antetokounmpo, and Paralympian runner Michalis Seitis.

Greek Editor Acquitted Anew Over Publication of Swiss Bank Account Names

The authorities had accused Kostas Vaxevanis, who wanted to shine a light on tax evasion, of violating privacy laws.


Claim of ‘Self-Inflicted’ H.I.V. in Greece an Error, W.H.O. Says

The health organization blamed an editing error for a widely reported claim that about half of new cases in Greece were self-inflicted to get benefit payments.


Greeks Question Media, and New Voices Pipe Up

Amid the Greek financial crisis, small radio stations, magazines and websites take a bigger role in the nation’s civic discussion.


Art Warehouse in Greece

Coup de cœur pour le studio grec A31 Architecture qui a récemment présenté ce projet « Art Warehouse ». Située en Grèce, cette étonnante structure moderne monolithique se divise en trois zones. Une construction arrondie impressionnante à découvrir en détails et en images dans la suite.

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Memo From Greece: Muffling of a Voice Provokes an Outcry in Greece

Since the state broadcaster was shut down last week and its 2,600 employees fired, there has been an outpouring of solidarity, despite its long history of mismanagement and patronage.


News Finds New Ways to Flow as Greek State Broadcaster Is Shut

The government said ERT and would reopen later with far fewer employees to satisfy the demands of Greece’s creditors because the news outlet had become corrupt and bloated.


Greece Shuts Down State Broadcaster ERTGreece Shuts Broadcaster ERT in Bid to Show Resolve

In a surprise move that angered labor unions, the coalition government said the state-run broadcaster, ERT, was a “haven of waste.”


Greece Shutting Down State Broadcaster ERT

In a surprise move that angered labor unions and its junior partners, the conservative-led coalition government said the broadcaster, ERT, would shut down at midnight Tuesday.


George Christakis Photography

Focus sur le travail de ce photographe grec George Christakis, âgé de 24 ans et né à Crête. Déjà très réputé en technique pour ces scènes et ces nombreuses photographies retouchés. Un rendu surréaliste et très conceptuel à découvrir en détails et en images sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article.


Villa F Architecture

Coup de coeur pour le travail de Hornung & Jacobi Architecture qui ont imaginé ce superbe projet appelé sobrement « Villa F ». Située sur l’île de Rhodes en Grèce, cette résidence moderne parvient à se marier à merveille avec son environnement naturel. Plus d’images dans la suite de l’article.

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We Don’t Pay

Could Occupy catalyze a wildcat consumer revolt in May?

From Adbusters Blog

Last week, occupiers in New York City chained open subway entrances and posted official looking notices inviting the public to ride for free. Their innovative action caused an immediate sensation in the Occupy movement suggesting that similar jams will be carried out worldwide in May.

Jammers explained that the fare strike was done to show the connection between the de-funding of public transportation and the financial takeover of democracy: “Instead of using our tax money to properly fund transit, Albany and City Hall have intentionally starved transit of public funds for over twenty years; the MTA must resort to bonds (loans from Wall Street) to pay for projects and costs … more than $2 billion a year goes to debt service … by 2018 more than one out of every five dollars of MTA revenue will head to a banker’s pockets.” Union leadership agreed.

Authorities in New York City were swift to condemn, even going so far as to release surveillance footage of the occupiers calmly pulling off this audacious jam. It is no surprise that they are worried. This is perhaps the first time that the fare strike tactic has been successfully deployed in America and it is a sign that the I Don’t Pay movement which has been flourishing in Europe is finally leaping to North America. In Greece, jammers routinely occupy toll booths and public transportation entrances allowing everyone to pass for free.

As Occupy matures, it is beginning to learn a few new tricks. If Occupy adopts the I Don’t Pay movement’s fare strike tactic, we just might see May’s uprising snowball into a wildcat consumer revolt–a mass refusal to pay–the likes of which the world has never seen.

Image from Our Future

What can Occupy learn from Greece?

From Adbusters Blog

The people of Greece continue to fight against their technocratic, unelected government. In this video from the streets, an indy filmmaker captures public school teachers chanting “fight, rupture, overturn! History is written when you don’t follow the rules!”

I Don’t Pay

The European culture jam spreads.

From Adbusters Blog

Instead of begging their governments for non-existent mercy, activists in major centres across Europe are taking their public services into their own hands. They are engaging in creative resistance, one that initiates instead of making demands. Transit, healthcare, utilities, you name it, nothing is out of reach. Watch and be inspired by this growing culture jam. See people living what Franco Berardi Bifo calls our new cultural task:

“To live the inevitable with a relaxed soul. To call forth a big wave of withdrawal, of massive dissociation, of desertion from the scene of the economy, of non-participation in the fake show of politics. The crucial focus of social transformation is creative singularity. The existence of singularities is not to be conceived as a personal way to salvation, they may become a contagious force.”

Galaxy 92FM: Celebritism

Galaxy 92FM: Celebritism

Advertising Agency: Lowe, Athens, Greece
Creative Director: Yanna Polydouri
Copywriter: Rena Hrysoulaki
Group Account Director: Triantafilli Kaldiri
Account Manager: Michael Paredrakos

Galaxy 92FM: Niptuckism

Galaxy 92FM: Niptuckism

Advertising Agency: Lowe, Athens, Greece
Creative Director: Yanna Polydouri
Copywriter: Rena Hrysoulaki
Group Account Director: Triantafilli Kaldiri
Account Manager: Michael Paredrakos

Galaxy 92FM: Trashism

Galaxy 92FM: Trashism

Advertising Agency: Lowe, Athens, Greece
Creative Director: Yanna Polydouri
Copywriter: Rena Hrysoulaki
Group Account Director: Triantafilli Kaldiri
Account Manager: Michael Paredrakos