KFC – Finger Licking Good (2016) :90 (Hong Kong)

KFC - Finger Licking Good (2016) :90 (Hong Kong)

Ogilvy has collaborated with KFC Hong Kong to create two edible nail polish flavours sourced from natural ingredients and based on the brands all-time favourite recipes – Original and Hot & Spicy. To use, consumers’ simply apply and dry like regular nail polish, and then lick – again and again and again. To launch it, Ogilvy teased the idea of these nail-polishes in social media, launched a “tasting party” for them. and even released this groovy little beatboxing & dance music video to go with it.

KFC as trending happening beat-boxing teenage fashion. I haven’t seen anything quite this odd since those Japanese high fashion McDonald’s ads. But I like it, so hey. Don’t miss the posters that go along with this work

KFC Just Made Edible 'Finger Lickin' Good' Nail Polish That, Yeah, Tastes Like Chicken

April Fools’ Day was a month ago, but KFC is only just now announcing that it has made two edible nail polishes that bring the classic tagline, “Finger Lickin’ Good,” grossly to life.

read more

Anti-Littering Campaign Uses DNA to Identify Litterbugs and Put Their Faces on Ads

Thinking of littering in Hong Kong? You could soon be a poster child for the problem.

A remarkable campaign from Ogilvy & Mather takes DNA from trash on the ground and uses Snapshot DNA phenotyping to generate physical likenesses of the litterers, who then end up on outdoor ads telling people not to litter. (DNA phenotyping is the process of predicting a person’s physical appearance based on their DNA alone.)

The legalities of labeling people as litterers this way must be awfully complicated, and it’s not entirely clear how close the images might be to the real people. But the campaign is certainly fascinating in a CSI kind of way.

“This campaign is one of a kind,” says Reed Collins, chief creative officer at Ogilvy Hong Kong. “It’s interactive. It’s innovative. It’s our own science experiment that we’re using to create social change. Litter is such a major problem in Hong Kong, and thanks to technology, we can now put a face to this anonymous crime and get people to think twice about littering.”

Read more at Ecozine. Via Laughing Squid.

Lego Versions of Famous Artworks Are So Great, They're Now Official Ads

When most great spec projects make the rounds among the Internet’s creative community, it’s assumed the work will never see the light of day. Here’s a notable, wonderful exception.

Late last year, Italian designer Marco Sodano received global praise for his creative pixelation of famous paintings remade with Legos. At the time, he said he wanted to convey “the belief that every child with Lego can become a great artist like Da Vinci and Vermeer.”

This month, he posted a new gallery, this time empowered to call it simply a “campaign for Lego.” The official versions (largely similar but for the word “Imagine” embedded at the top left) were produced by agency Geometry Global in Hong Kong, with Sodano as art director.

Check out the four official executions below:

Via The Inspiration.

Hong Kong Publisher’s Prison Sentence Is Called a Political Vendetta

Yiu Mantin, who planned to publish a book condemning the Chinese Communist Party leader, Xi Jinping, was sentenced to 10 years for smuggling industrial chemicals.

1600 Pandas in Hong Kong

L’artiste français Paulo Grangeon, en accord avec la WWF, PMQ et le studio de création allrightsreserved ont proposé la mise en place de 1600 pandas en papier-mâché dans les rues de Hong Kong afin de sensibiliser le public à la perte rapide et tragique de cet animal. Une initiative qui avait déjà été menée dans des villes comme Paris, Rome ou Berlin.

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Sinosphere Blog: Ex-Bloomberg Editor Tells Why He Left

Ben Richardson, a former senior Bloomberg News editor based in Hong Kong, was involved in the editing of a story last year on China’s wealthiest man that was not published, following a discussion among the company’s top executives.


Spring Learning Center in Hong Kong

Pensé par Joey Ho Design à Hong Kong, ce très joli lieu a été réalisé pour imaginer un espace créatif et joyeux pour inviter dans ce centre d’apprentissage les enfants. Des choix très simples et colorés, permettant de proposer un environnement propice au développement des plus jeunes. A découvrir en images dans la suite.

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Sinosphere Blog: Free Press Groups Warn of China’s Influence on Hong Kong and Taiwan Media

One group, the Committee to Protect Journalists, says news outlets are curtailing coverage that might anger government officials.


Posters Inspired by the Cities of the World

Le studio Me&Him&You a été fondé par Peter O’ Gara & Ronan Dillon. Ils ont décidé de réaliser une série de posters des grandes villes du monde, montrant les plus hauts bâtiments de chacune d’entre elles. Des créations minimalistes limitées à 400 exemplaires chacune, représentant ainsi Londres, Berlin ou Paris.

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Hong Kong Paper Ousts Top Editor, Stirring Concern

Ming Pao’s history as a serious, independent paper has given it outsize influence, but it might be the latest victim of the mainland’s effort to rein in the media here.


If You’re Into Stuffed Animals Licking Your Nipples, You’ve Come to the Right Ad

Oddvertising is catching on in Hong Kong with this absurd spot for Rio Mints featuring what Shanghaiist calls "just the right amount of nipple licking."

The scene opens with a young couple on an awkward date. We assume it's awkward because the guy is shirtless and gently cradling a purple stuffed giraffe that he's brought along. Needing something to fill the silence, the girl takes out her grape-flavored Rio Burgundy mints, and he accepts one. A moment after he pops the mint in his mouth, the giraffe's tongue grows and begins to caress the guy's nipple, causing him to moan in pleasure. We can't look away. Neither can his date who bites her lip, bounces up and down and finally looks forward with a smile, seemingly titillated by the whole experience.

If you are, too, enjoy the extended outtakes below, where the actor really gets in touch with his O face. Does the nipple-licking puppet approach work? Well, what are you really going to say about mints?

Via Mashable.


Sinosphere Blog: Bloomberg Code Keeps Articles From Chinese Eyes

Some stories that Bloomberg runs are considered too sensitive to run in China, raising questions about a clash of journalistic ideals with commercial interests.


Fashion Walk in Hong Kong

Blow, studio de design fondé à Hong Kong en 2010 par Ken Lo, a récemment proposé dans les rues commerçantes de la ville chinoise, une installation étonnante pensée pour promouvoir cette Fashion Walk, symbolisant ce quartier en vogue. Des éléments visuels intéressants, à découvrir en images dans la suite.

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Hong-Kong Cityscapes

Le photographe allemand Nick Frank, après sa superbe série Munich Subway, nous propose de superbes clichés de la ville d’Hong-Kong pris depuis les hauteurs de la ville. Réunie sous le nom « Hong-Kong Cityscapes », cette série mixant images en couleurs et en noir et blanc est à découvrir dans la suite.

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Please Mind the Gap

Découverte de la série « Please Mind the Gap » par Weilun Chong basé à Singapour. Un travail photographique où l’objectif est de prendre sur le vif les voyageurs montant et descendant dans les rames du métro de Singapour et de Hong-Kong. Un rendu éclectique à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

Website: Please Mind The Gap
Website: Please Mind The Gap
Website: Please Mind The Gap
Website: Please Mind The Gap
Website: Please Mind The Gap
Website: Please Mind The Gap
Website: Please Mind The Gap
Website: Please Mind The Gap
Website: Please Mind The Gap
Website: Please Mind The Gap
Website: Please Mind The Gap
Website: Please Mind The Gap

Red Bull Illume Photo Contest 2013

Voici la 3ème édition des Red Bull Illume Photo, un concours qui invite les photographes à soumettre des images autour de l’action et des sports d’aventure. Les 250 finalistes ont été sélectionnés et les gagnants seront dévoilés fin août à Hong-Kong. Voici une sélection des nominés dans la suite de l’article.



Saman Kesh nous prouve une nouvelle fois son talent indéniable pour la mise en scène et la réalisation avec ce court-métrage « The Controller ». Dans cette création parfaitement maîtrisée produite par Marq Films, une fille prisonnière aux pouvoirs impressionnants prend le contrôle de son petit-ami pour venir la secourir.


Hong Kong Facades

Le photographe finlandais Miemo Penttinen parcourt Hong-Kong et prend en photo les façades colorées de la ville. Il s’en dégage des motifs abstraits et une multiplicité d’immeubles à la taille vertigineuse où se superposent des milliers d’appartements. Une très belle série de photos à découvrir en images.











Indigo Hong Kong Island

Focus sur les équipes du studio Adeas qui ont imaginé le design de ce magnifique hôtel appelé Indigo Hong Kong Island, doté d’une piscine sur le toit du bâtiment. Situé dans le quartier de « Wan Chai », ce bâtiment 5 étoiles qui a ouvert en mai a déjà reçu un Asia Pacific Hotel Awards 2013. Plus d’images dans la suite.

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