Danny Glover Stars in W+K Portland’s ‘Time’ for Samsung Galaxy S7

W+K Portland launched a new spot for the Samsung Galaxy S7 starring Danny Glover, entitled, “Time.”

“Time is the most valuable thing there is,” begins the voiceover, accompanied by footage of a cuckoo clock. “Since the beginning of time, there never seems to be enough of it,” he goes on, as two dinosaurs look up to see a comet headed their way. Continuing to wax philosophical about the chronological, the spot gets self-referential with the line, “Our greatest fear is running out of time…and you just spent 34 seconds of it watching this commercial.” Glover comes into the picture in a parody pointing out how time is involved inthe plots of most action movies.

The point of all this time talk? It arrives with the question “So if time is the most valuable thing there is why would you waste more than you have to charging your phone?” Well, they certainly took their time with that one. Joking aside, the spot is fairly entertaining, with Glover’s self-effacing performance the clear highlight. And while the delivery could have been a little quicker (to be fair, there are also 30 and 15-second versions) it does convincingly sell the phone’s wireless charging feature and longest-lasting battery.

The spot made its broadcast debut last Sunday during game seven of the NBA Finals. Additional ads in the campaign will follow shortly.

Creative Directors: Craig Allen/Jason Bagley
Copywriter: Derek Syznal
Art Director: Brandon Mugar/Croix Gagnon
Executive Producer: Erika Madison
Producer: Shannon Worley
Account Director: Mimi Kim
Account Supervisor: Phil Williams
Executive Creative Directors” Mark Fitzloff/Joe Staples
Strategist: Renny Gleeson/Bruno Frankel
Project Management: Laurie Holtz/Amanda Rudolph
Business Affairs: Teresa Lutz/Amber Lavender
Director of Integrated Production: Patty Brebner

Production Company: Imperial Woodpecker
Director: Stacy Wall
Executive Producer: Doug Halbert
Producer: Anita Wetterstedt

Editorial Company: Whitehouse Post
Editor: Lisa Gunning
Asst Editor: Sam Perkins
Post Producer: Jennifer Mersis
Post Executive Producer: Joni Williamson

VFX Company: MPC LA
Creative Director: Paul O’Shea
Visual Effects Supervisor: Michael Gregory
VFX Executive Producer: Elexis Stearn
VFX Color Producer: Meghan Lang
VFX Producers: Brian Friel/Deepanjali Signh
Color Producer: Rebecca Boorsma
Colorist: Mark Gethin
VFX Team: Andre Arevalo,Oliver Caiden, Rodrigo Jimenez, Ryan Taylor, Tim Kafka, Steward Burris, Patrick Manning, Yuichiro Yamashita, George Saavedra, Kunal Sarkar, Anbarasu E, Inigo Vimal Roy, Sugumar S, Sabanayagam V, M. Vijaya Kumar, Mithun Alex

Sound Company: Lime
Sound Designer: Rohan Young

Mix Company: LIME
Mixer: Rohan Young
Producer: Susie Boyajan
Audio Assistant: Ben Tomastik

Time Turned the Year's Hottest Tech Into the Year's Dumbest Cover, and Parody is Rampant

OculusVR founder Palmer Luckey is one of the tech industry’s brightest rising stars—a fact Time tried but ridiculously failed to capture on its newest cover.

As you can see above, Luckey is shown in mid … uh, jump? Stumble? Rapturous epiphany? The only things viewers can tell for sure is that he’s been Photoshopped in front of a beach and that he looks ridiculous.

And it’s not just the image drawing heckles from tech enthusiasts. The story’s intro is cringe-inducingly awful at a time when most people have stopped seeing nerds as socially worthless outcasts:

“Palmer Luckey isn’t like other Silicon Valley nerds,” the article begins. “He’s a nerd all right, but not the kind who went to a top-ranked university, wrote brilliant code or studied business plans. He’s cheery and talks in normal sentences that are easy to understand.”

It’s doubtful that all this is just artful baiting of the Reddit crowd, but had it been, the results would likely have been the same. Photoshop has been working overtime today as many took up the challenge to make Luckey (and Time) look even more silly:

But perhaps this un-Photoshopped take was the cruelest cut of all:

Time terá anúncio bem na capa da revista

Cada um sabe o quanto lhe aperta o calo, e aparentemente a Time está disposta a arriscar ir contra algumas antigas diretrizes editoriais para alcançar uma maior verba dos anunciantes. A edição da revista que chegará amanhã às bancas nos EUA irá exibir um discreto formato publicitário bem na capa. Olhando de relance fica até difícil de reparar – é um retângulo acinzentado, logo abaixo do adesivo que traz as informações do assinante (ou o código de barras), e que remete o leitor para um anúncio mais avantajado, nas páginas internas da publicação.

O mesmo formato vai aparecer também na Sports Illustrated, outro título que também faz parte da Time Inc. A invasão da capa por um anúncio publicitário, por menor e mais discreto que seja, é uma ruptura com algumas das condutas sugeridas pela Sociedade Americana de Editores de Revista, que acredita que manter a capa isenta de propaganda ajuda a proteger a independência editorial das publicações.

O AdAge ressalta que o envelopamento de edições com capas removíveis que traziam propagandas já aconteceu anteriormente,  e que revistas menores já venderam espaços publicitários nas suas capas, mas que uma empresa jornalística do porte da Time ainda não tinha ‘se rendido’ a esse formato que ocupa a ‘vitrine’ do conteúdo editorial.

Uma empresa jornalística do porte da Time ainda não tinha ‘se rendido’ a esse formato que ocupa a ‘vitrine’ do conteúdo editorial

“A propaganda de capa tem o seu custo, e é obrigatório que o anunciante tenha um anúncio de página inteira ou uma página de conteúdo nativo naquela edição. Além disso, essa opção é oferecida apenas aos nossos maiores anunciantes, não está disponível para qualquer um”, esclareceu Norman Pearlstine, diretor de conteúdo da Time Inc.

O novo formato na capa da Time chega apenas duas semanas antes da Time Inc. fazer seu IPO na Bolsa de Valores de Nova Iorque (NYSE), depois da separação da empresa do grupo Time Warner.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Discovering Vancouver

Sur une superbe musique d’Atu, Ryan Emond nous offre en quelques minutes une vidéo en timelapse réalisée au cours de son voyage à Vancouver lors de son séjour de six semaines. Des images captivantes d’une grande beauté, permettant de découvrir la ville canadienne sous un nouvel angle.

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Deconstructed Clocks Design

Après plusieurs articles dédiés aux horloges design, voici une série d’horloges comportant des mécanismes de suspensions en fils de fer, reliés à des cadres de contreplaqué réalisés par le designer argentin Daniel Weil. Un rendu impressionnant à découvrir en images dans l’article.

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Light is Time by Citizen

Voici une installation artistique Light is Time développée par Tsuyoshi Tane et Citizen pendant le salon du Design à Milan. L’installation est composée de multiples mécanismes de montres suspendus dans l’air. L’œuvre est plongée dans une salle sombre, et seuls les mécanismes dorés sont éclairés par une source de lumière.

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Conteúdo em vídeo tem sido a nova aposta das publicações jornalísticas

Na mesma semana em que o New York Times apresentou um hub dedicado a conteúdos em vídeo, com direito até a uma adaptação do clássico logo do jornal, outros conglomerados da notícia também lançaram iniciativas semelhantes.

O Wall Street Journal anunciou a chegada da ‘video revista digital’ Signal, que deverá fazer uma curadoria dos melhores vídeos produzidos pela própria equipe do WSJ, além de algumas produções de terceiros. A Signal poderá ser acessada através da web ou de dispositivos móveis, mas há uma clara preferência dos produtores pela experiência através de tablets, já que a curadoria pretende privilegiar o modelo de uma revista. Apesar de já ter sido apresentada, a vídeo-revista do WSJ não deve estrear tão cedo – segundo uma porta-voz da publicação,  a Signal ainda está em estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento.

E não são apenas o NYT e o WSJ que estão interessados em conteúdos em vídeo – a Conde Nast, responsável pela publicação de revistas como a Vogue e a Vanity Fair, também terá uma plataforma similar, a The Scene, que vai reunir os melhores vídeos das suas revistas, além de conteúdos audiovisuais de sites parceiros da editora, como o BuzzFeed e ABC News. Outra interessada é a Time Inc.,  que deve apresentar em breve o The Daily Cut, que destacará as produções em vídeo do grupo.

O curioso é que essas empresas não tem exatamente dificuldades para produzir vídeos – só o WSJ é responsável por cerca de 18 mil novos conteúdos em vídeo todos os anos – mas sim de conseguir uma audiência extensa o suficiente para essas produções.

Será que os telespectadores serão convertidos em webspectadores?

Apesar do esforço ser louvável, Joshua Benton, diretor do Nieman Lab, provoca ao analisar um dos vídeos recentes do NYT. Ainda que seja um conteúdo divertido, as mais de 30 pessoas listadas nos créditos lembram do problema de ROI dessas iniciativas – assim como boa parte do bom jornalismo do mundo, o custo é muito maior do que o retorno do investimento.

Provavelmente a esperança é que, com a popularização de smart TVs e de caixinhas que conectam TVs tradicionais à web, esse tipo de notícia em vídeo possa ganhar alguma atenção da audiência.

Ainda que o número de telespectadores esteja em baixa, será que eles conseguirão ser convertidos em webspectadores desses vídeos informativos dos jornais?

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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5h48 – The Reality of Time

Thomas Gugel est un graphiste et motion designer allemand bourré de talent. La preuve avec cette création « 5h48 – The Reality of Time » réalisée pour la fin de ses études à la University of Applied Sciences of Mainz, et son interprétation de la théorie d’Henri Bergson opposant durée de la conscience et temps scientifique.

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Quanto tempo você já perdeu no Facebook?

A revista TIME resolveu comemorar os 10 anos do Facebook – que serão completados no próximo dia 4 de fevereiro – de uma maneira bem provocativa. Criou um aplicativo para calcular quanto tempo você já desperdiçou na rede social do Markinho.

Segundo a revista, um usuário gasta em média 17 minutos diários no Facebook, consumindo e publicando conteúdo. A metodologia da TIME verifica as datas dos seus posts, até atingir o mais antigo e calcular uma estimativa do tempo dedicado ao site.

O resultado pode ser assustador. A TIME diz que eu já gastei quase 28 dias no Facebook, dos 2.367 que faço parte da rede social, e já fiz mais de 11.300 publicações. Em 28 dias dava pra jogar muito videogame, então me deixou realmente preocupado.

Faça o teste aqui.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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If You’re Aiming To Save Time From Your Internet Marketing And Advertising You May Possibly Want To Consider Outsourcing

Many individuals get started in Internet Marketing and advertising simply because they feel this is really a fast and easy method to make money, nevertheless you will recognize that this is a thing that is extremely time consuming. Having free time in your life is something you are going to have to give up if you wind up taking on Internet Marketing and advertising by yourself. Of course you should recognize that there are things that can be done which can actually help you free up your time and still accomplish everything you need to get done. On this page we are going to be taking a look it outsourcing together with a few of the benefits which can be connected with this.

Something that can end up taking up a lot of your time is the creation of web sites, and you are going to discover that there are individuals and companies available to do this for you. There are currently Online Marketers who will build two or three internet sites each day and this is a thing that can take up their entire day. By paying other folks to build web sites for you you are going to discover that this will free up most of your time for doing other things which you need to accomplish. Based on how complex your sites are will determine how much you are going to need to pay somebody to build the website for you.

Seo is another thing which can wind up being incredibly time consuming for a lot of Online Marketers. We are not actually talking about on page optimization, what we are speaking about is the creation of back links that will help your website get better rankings in search engines like google. Because there are plenty of companies who can build these website links you are going to see that this can be something which is incredibly affordable but can wind up freeing up loads of you time.

When you finally begin having free time on your hands, again you should realize you could take this time to start entering new niche markets to be able to make even more cash. There are even companies and men and women out there that will keep your social networks updated with new products or content that you add to your website. Because you can continue using outsourcing on any new project you begin you should recognize that you are going to consistently have the ability to enter new markets consistently.

I am sure you’ve heard the expression that content is king and you ought to be aware that individuals who have a huge selection of web sites must update this content regularly. And as you probably already recognize this is also something you are able to end up outsourcing to people or organizations that create content.

Needless to say there are several people who decide that they are simply going to outsource every aspect of their business this includes the startup of new niche markets that they enter.

Frozen in Time

Le photographe Thomas Zakowski a pu observer lors de son voyage dans le Michigan aux USA à quel point l’hiver peut être rude. En capturant avec son Canon EOS 40D ces images prises après une tempête, il nous dévoile des phares totalement congelés. Des clichés que l’on pourrait croire sortis d’un film catastrophe.

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Les photographes Shawn et Brian Malone réunis sous le nom de LakeSuperiorPhoto nous proposent une superbe vidéo en technique timelapse appelée « Radiance ». De superbes images du ciel, avec des couleurs absolument incroyables à découvrir dans la suite sur la musique « The Opening » de DeepExile.


Rio Time Lapse

Difficile de ne pas avoir envie de se rendre dans la ville brésilienne de Rio de Janeiro après avoir regardé cette vidéo. Intitulée « Rio », cette création tournée en time-lapse par Scientifantastic sur une musique de Jan Baumann propose de découvrir sous son plus beau jour la ville qui accueillera les Jeux Olympiques de 2016.

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Recollected Memories Photography

Originaire d’Arizona, Jackson Patterson livre une série de photomontages insérant au sein de paysages arides certaines de ses photos de famille. Interrogeant ainsi le rapport entre sujet, espace et mémoire, il mélange les moments et les histoires au travers de ces magnifiques clichés à découvrir en images.
















Sand Castle Consumed by the Ocean

L’artiste californien Chad Wright livre ici une pièce intime, reflet de souvenirs d’enfance et méditation autour des banlieues. Utilisant l’érosion comme processus de réalisation de son installation, il offre aussi une réflexion sur les agissements du temps à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.







Everest Time Lapse

Elia Saikaly, armée de son appareil Canon 5D Mark II, nous dévoile avec cette vidéo en technique « time-lapse » toute la beauté du Mont Everest. Véritablement magique, cette création a nécessité des milliers de clichés, triés et assemblés dans cette vidéo. Plus d’images et la vidéo dans la suite.

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Drawing Time Lapse in 30 hours

Coup de cœur pour Paul White, un illustrateur australien au talent incroyable. Avec l’aide de Johnny Blank, ce dernier a réalisé un dessin en technique time-lapse, résumant 30 heures d’une grande précision pour représenter une voiture en quelques minutes. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.

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New Zealand Timelapse

Equipé de son appareil Canon 5D Mark II, le réalisateur Bevan Percival nous offre une nouvelle vidéo en technique timelapse absolument magnifique, montrant les paysages splendides de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Une création à découvrir en images et en vidéo HD dans la suite de l’article.

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Découverte de TimeLax, le nom de cette belle vidéo utilisant le « time-lapse » pour sublimer la ville de Los Angeles. Réalisée par RalphGM, cette création permet de donner une magnifique image de la ville californienne et de ses lieux les plus connus. A découvrir en images et vidéo HD dans la suite de l’article.


Infra Red Timelapse

Voici la vidéo « Infra Red Timelapse » qui est extraite du superbe projet Karst Country. Réalisée par Glen Ryan et James van der Moezel sur une musique de David Lawrence, cette carte blanche magnifique en technique time-lapse et tournée à la RED Scarlet, est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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