British Ads Remember World War I Dead Who Aren't as Famous as Their Names

The Royal British Legion is behind a weighty ad campaign called “Every Man Remembered,” featuring soldiers from World War I who share names with famous people a century later (although “Tom Jones” really is an insanely common name) and making the case that the soldier should be famous, too. Each ad provides a mini-biography of the featured soldier, including when and where he was killed.

Heavy stuff, yes, but it’s respectful and not gloomy or maudlin, to ad agency RKCR/Y&R’s credit. It’s a pity organizations like this have to invoke celebrities at all, but at least they picked some relatively classy ones.

I doubt a Russell Brand execution would have gone over as well.

More images below.

Forgotten Heroes

La photographe norvégien Oystein Aspelund nous présente cette série de photographies « Forgotten Heroes », réalisée en Allemagne et dédiée aux vestiges de l’empire soviétique en Allemagne de l’Est. L’artiste a veillé à photographier les lieux tels quels : abandonnés et naturels. Les photos présentent les dernières traces de l’homme ayant réalisé un acte de bravoure.

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The Battle Colors with Toy Soldiers

Grace à une importante quantité de soldats de plomb, l’artiste Jean-Pierre Seguin reconstruit des visages en 3D et travaille sur l’aspect de la couleur de la peau tel des pixels remplacés par l’emploi des soldats. Des représentations spectaculaires pour un travail extrêmement minutieux.

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Quinto álbum do Kaiser Chiefs chega em março

Os britânicos do Kaiser Chiefs vêm divulgando seu novo trabalho desde o final do ano passado, quando mostraram o primeiro single do disco. Agora divulgaram uma data oficial de lançamento.

Education, Education, Education & War está previsto para ser lançado dia 31 de março e já está em pré-venda no iTunes. Já é o quinto disco dessa banda de Leeds que conquistou o mundo em 2005 com seu mega-ultra-blaster hit I Predict A Riot.

Segundo a própria banda, o disco novo é temático e aborda uma questão de “todos contra o mundo”, colocando em pauta o individual versus o coletivo e sugerindo que somos melhores quando trabalhamos em conjunto do que sozinhos.

Depois de um approach ousado em seu álbum anterior, The Future Is Medieval, onde o consumidor podia escolher 10 entre 20 faixas, montar um álbum com sua tracklist e capa personalizados e ainda vendê-lo pela internet, agora o Kaiser Chiefs retorna ao modo tradicional de comercialização (CD, vinil e download). E mais do que isso, diz que retorna também a uma sonoridade mais parecida com Employment e Yours Truly Angry Mob (os dois primeiros álbuns).

Só esperando pra ver. Por enquanto já dá pra ouvir Bows & Arrows no vídeo acima e Misery Company. Em março a gente descobre a verdade.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Empty War Photography

Avec cette série « Fatescapes », le photographe Pavel Maria Smejkal enlève les protagonistes à l’origine au centre de clichés mondialement connus, témoignages de différents conflits. Le résultat offre des paysages vides, mais avec des lieux rempli de mémoire. Plus d’images dans la suite de l’article.

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The Same Dress Situation / Crêpage de chignon entre deux même créations?

Cliquer ici pour voir la vidéo.

Cliquer ici pour voir la vidéo.

Harvey Nichols – 2012
Source : Coloribus
Agency : Stink Adam & Eve DDB (United Kingdom)
BonPrix  – 2013
Source : YouTube
Agency : Jung von Matt / Alster (The Netherlands)

God of War Trailer

Sony a récemment dévoilé un trailer pour le prochain jeu vidéo de sa série God of War. Réalisée à l’occasion du nouveau volet « Ascension », cette vidéo tournée en live action nous montre la femme et la fille du héros Kratos. Une belle création du studio Imaginary Forces à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.

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Christopher Morris

Christopher Morris est un photographe de guerre américain. Originaire de Californie, il est l’une des figures les plus importantes de son métier. Il travaille fréquemment pour le magazine Time pour lequel il a pu immortaliser de nombreuses personnalités comme Barack Obama. Des clichés à découvrir dans une longue galerie.


Michael Peck Illustrations

Focus sur les peintures de Michael Peck. Concerné par la sensation de désorientation, ce dernier nous dévoile des oeuvres très calmes dans lesquelles les thèmes de la guerre et des enfants sont récurrents. Un rendu impressionnant à voir dans une galerie d’images à découvrir dans la suite.
















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Star Wars Posters in Silhouette

L’artiste Travis English a eu la bonne idée de reprendre des moments clés des 6 épisodes de la saga Star Wars pour créer des posters jouant avec les silhouettes des personnages. Bien pensées et visuellement simples, ces créations sont à découvrir dans la suite.







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Justice Coin

The latest in Afghan War kitsch.

From Adbusters Blog

If this isn’t cultural decline, I don’t know what is. Check out this infomercial for a newly minted coin commemorating the death of Osama Bin Laden.

On one side it proclaims: “You can run but you cannot hide” etched above a golden image of Seal Team 6 – the kill squad who finally brought the elusive cat down. On the other side it reads: “Justice has been done” next to three iconic engravings of the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and Flight 93.

Before ordering your $19.95 limited-time-only-holiday-offer collectable, make sure to ask the operator if you can get some authentic Pakistani blood on the coin, or a piece of Osama’s cloak to wrap it in. Even better yet, bone fragments from an innocent civilian, preferably a child or housewife, caught in the crossfire.

Why not give these folks a call and jam the telephone line.

Or better yet, purchase a set and send it to your favorite neo-con wrapped in bloody dollar bills.

Toy Story 1 and 2 / De bonne guerre?

super-glue-soldier soldats2011
Super Glue – 2008
Source : TheInspirationRoom, Cannes Lions SHORTLIST
Agency :  DDB Sydney (Australia)
Neostick Glue – 2011
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Imelda Ogilvy, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Paper War

Un mélange d’origami et de 3D mettant en scène une guerre de papier, rappellant le superbe spot World of Paper. Un travail de l’étudiant à la Filmakademie Makaio Tisu, sur des images développés par Megatron et le son par Qalaih Doskope. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.


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War veteran gives beautiful speech about equality

This video is as moving as it is humbling.

A beautiful insight from a WWII veteran.

Take a look at the comments over at BoingBoing too for some very valid and varied opinions.

Gun-made sculptures

Awesome sculptures made by the Peace Art Project Cambodia.

All made only with unused gun parts.


Via: TrendHunter.

Sneaker Wars Roundup: Nike says “my better is better” & Pony is back

In today’s environment, with technological advances, marketing strategies and celebrity endorsements, shoes have become much more than just footwear. Brands are scrambling to assert their top-dog status, and today finds Nike is in the midst of launching one of their broadest multimedia campaigns to date, including a :60 spot to air on American Idol and college basketball tournaments asserting that “my better is better than your better”:

The emerging Nike campaign is in direct response to the Under Armour Superbowl spot proclaiming “The Future is Ours,” announcing their entrance into the cross-trainer marketplace. Under Armour quickly rose to dominance in the “compression fitting apparel” category, and after entering the market less than a year ago, has taken a 1/5 market share of football cleats. An interesting article in today’s Oregonian has some interesting info and quotes regarding the Nike campaign and the shoe/athletic apparel battle:

“This was definitely an all-out attempt to stop Under Armour in its tracks,” said John Horan, publisher of trade newsletter Sporting Goods Intelligence. “They want to make sure they don’t get surprised on this category.”

Follow the jump for the Under Armour spot, a bit of Adidas, and some Pony action

Videophonic confrontation


I love black and white motion graphics.
Via: Evasion.