Creative Portraits by Jason Lee

Coup de coeur pour ces très belles séries à découvrir sur la galerie de portraits de Jason Lee. Un attachement tout particulier avec des mise en scènes originales de ces 2 filles. Des instants de leur quotidien, à travers plusieurs exemples en images dans la suite.








Previously on Fubiz

Braincast: Chupa Ashton Kutcher!

Uma pesquisa na Inglaterra revelou que celebridades populares no Twitter, mesmo com milhões de seguidores, não possuem a influência que se imaginava. Segundo o estudo, perfis muito menos seguidos se sobressaem por serem experts em alguma área.

O que realmente significa ser influente no Twitter? Número de followers? Conseguir colocar um termo nos trending topics? Nesse Braincast discutimos o tema e o que é preciso fazer para emplacar uma campanha na “no microblog de mensagens curtas de até 140 caracteres”.

[ Esse Braincast é um oferecimento de O Livreiro, a rede social para quem gosta de ler. ]

Para não perder nenhum vídeo do Braincast, assine nosso canal no YouTube ou acompanhe pela seção Braincast.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Chevrolet To Pitch Volt in MLB World Series

DETROIT ( — Chevrolet will use next month's World Series to launch ads for the debut of the Volt plug-in hybrid sedan, General Motors Co.'s marketing chief Joel Ewanick said today.

McDonald’s: Bear, Tongue, Room Mate

Advertising Agency: Arnold, Boston, USA
Creative Director: Wade Devers
Art Directors: Randy Rogers
Copywriter: Pete Shamon

Why YouTube Viewers Have ADD and How to Stop It

To help you better understand viewer abandonment and its benchmarks, Visible Measures looked at how viewers watched and ultimately abandoned more than 40 million unique video clips, which, in aggregate, have received nearly 7 billion views. We limited our research to short-form videos of less than 300 seconds (5 minutes) in duration.

Rainbow-Layered Fashion – Raphaelle Hlimi Creates Glamorously Unique Dresses (GALLERY)

( The latest from designer Raphaelle Hlimi is so avant-garde, that it’s safe to call it avant-avant-garde. From its multi-layered colorful dresses, to chained eyewear and thick-knitted coats, this collection…

Mayor da Prefeitura de Chicago no Foursquare vai virar candidato de verdade

Foursquarian Candidate

Quando você é a pessoa que mais faz checkin em algum lugar através do Foursquare, você se torna o “mayor” daquele local. Mayor = Prefeito. Uma conotação política de brincadeira, e até bem simpática.

Só que em Chicago isso deixou de ser só virtual. Uma ação chamada “The Foursquarian Candidate” (referência ao livro/filme “The Manchurian Candidate”) pretende tornar prefeito de verdade a pessoa que mais fizer checkin na prefeitura da cidade até meia-noite do dia 1 de novembro.

O mayor da prefeitura no Foursquare vai ganhar uma campanha real de candidatura criada pela agência Proximity, com direito a slogans, adesivos, cartazes, e todo tipo de poluição visual e sonora utilizada em eleições.

Você deve imaginar as mínimas chances que um candidato assim terá de ganhar a prefeitura de Chicago no mundo real, mas os incentivos para tentar são interessantes: Salário de 250 mil dólares por ano; não ter mais que abrir portas para você mesmo; esquecer lentamente como se dirige um carro graças ao seu chofer; toda a pizza que você puder comer; e usar tesouras grandes para cortar um monte de faixas.

O site ainda mostra o ranking em tempo real de competidores ao cargo de candidato. Com o nível das eleições no Brasil esse ano, eu sugiro fazer o mesmo por aqui.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Vodafone mostra porque é importante estar sempre conectado


Excelentíssimo filme da Vodafone, mostrando de verdade para que serve ficar o tempo conectado.

Na trilha tem “I’m All Over? It” do Jamie Cullum. A criação é da BBH London, com produção da Sonny.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Sultry Biker Babe Shoots – Sarah Bledsoe Dons Leather in a Spread by Akiss Paraskevopoulos (GALLERY)

( Sarah Bledsoe poses as every bad boy biker’s dream in this spread by Akiss Paraskevopoulos. The stunning model’s baby-faced beauty and dewy skin are perfectly juxtaposed against a leather jacket-wearing…

Verdict’s in on ABC’s ‘My Generation’ IPad App

ABC's co-viewing app for its new series "My Generation" has its share of bells and whistles, but misses out on opportunities for social-media interaction

Quebec Ad Community Kicks Off Trade Mission to New York

NEW YORK ( — Canada sent a 120-person trade mission from the Montreal advertising community to New York this week to take advantage of Advertising Week to promote the idea of Quebec as both a creative business hub and a unique test market. Jeff Beer, a reporter at Marketing magazine, Ad Age's editorial partner in Canada, reported on the Quebec contingent's efforts, from a free" Montreal Loves New York" branded shuttle between Advertising Week venues and a performance by Cirque do Soleil to presentations by agencies and marketers from Quebec. READ THE STORY FROM MARKETING MAGAZINE

Glitter as Drugs – ‘Glitter’ from Tessa Cannel Shows the Dark Side of the Shiny Stuff (GALLERY)

( ‘Glitter’ from Tessa Cannell is a drugged out party pictorial like you have never seen before. Glitter is the drug of choice here, and it is used by almost everyone in different ways.

Gold glitter fills…

Latin Ad Show Invents Self-Destructing Grand Prix Trophy

RIO DE JANEIRO ( — In a bizarre call for entries promotion, a regional Latin American advertising festival is handing out Grand Prix trophies to agencies in advance this year, but warns that they will self destruct when the jury picks this year's real winners in November.

Magazine A-List to Be Presented Sunday at the American Magazine Conference

NEW YORK ( — Advertising Age will present its annual Magazine A-List during the opening reception of the American Magazine Conference this Sunday in Chicago.

Paddy Power Sued For Ryder Cup Sign Stunt

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Online betting site Paddy Power erected a gigantic Holloywood-style sign near the Ryder Cup at Celtic Manor and, subsequently, were sued for the stunt.
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Dr. Martens Goes All Mad Max For 50th Anniversary

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For Dr. Martens 50th Anniversary, Michael Davis of MC5 D.O.A. cover Cold War Kids’ Something Is Not Right With Me.
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White Guys Rap For Carpooling Club

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We didn’t say wiggers but Illegal Advertising did when they described this promotional video for the Dutch touring club’s new carpooling platform.
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Baseball, Hot Dogs — and Chevrolet?

NEW YORK ( — Thanks to a 1970s ad jingle, General Motors' Chevrolet has long been associated with baseball, hot dogs and apple pie. Now the auto marketer intends to cement that alliance further with a bold sponsorship that burnishes the national pastime.

Five Social Media Tenets Every Agency Should Embrace

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This season, social is the new black.
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Australian PSA Compares Hamburger to Heroin

Hey, check it out. Americans aren't the only ones with an obesity issue. Seems that Australia has one as well. And what better way to tackle such a first-world problem than with a good ol' PSA that equates giving your child a hamburger directly with tying him off and shooting him full of smack!