Commercial Actors Get 6% Pay Hike in New Contract

The advertising industry’s tentative contract with actors for commercial production will generate an estimated $238 million in increased payments for commercial actors through a 6% average wage and payment increase. It will also give the Association of National Advertisers something it’s long sought: much wider use of it’s the Ad-ID standard for identifying advertising assets across all media.

The deal reached earlier this month among unions and the ANA, American Association of Advertising Agencies and the latter two entities’ Joint Policy Committee was approved April 21 by the board of the combined Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. It must still be ratified by union members in mail and electronic voting next month.

Among other things, the contract increases payments to actors for ads aired online and in other new media; increases the number of cable TV airings for which actors will be paid; increases union members’ share of payments for their health and pension plans; and establishes rules for crowd-sourced ads.

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