Your parental guilt trip of the day.

Oh, how many times have I given my own children “the finger.” Thanks for the find Sir Ernie.

AC #69 Now Available.

The Thrity Rooms To Hide In Addition.

John and Tug talk with Master Jedi Luke Sullivan about his new book Thirty Rooms To Hide In, creativity and getting out of advertising. It’s a great Sunday afternoon chat with almost no cursing and only minorly bothersome mouth sounds.

Give it a listen won’t you?

And stay tuned. ‘Coming in August 2011: The American Copywriter Reboot.


Click to preview book


Sharpie + creative + styrofoam = awesome.

Oh, Sharpie, you are so delicious.

AC #70 is super. And it's here!

The They Forgot To Make It Super Edition

Tug and I (along with a pretty mouthy community at #acbowl12) dish about this year’s ads. Some of it worked, some of it didn’t, and nearly all of it fell well below the high water mark of year’s past.

Give it a listen and let us know your thoughts!



AC #70 is super. And it’s here!

The They Forgot To Make It Super Edition

Tug and I (along with a pretty mouthy community at #acbowl12) dish about this year's ads. Some of it worked, some of it didn't, and nearly all of it fell well below the high water mark of year's past.

Give it a listen and let us know your thoughts!


Sharpie + creative + styrofoam = awesome.

Oh, Sharpie, you are so delicious.

AC #69 Now Available.

The Thrity Rooms To Hide In Addition.

John and Tug talk with Master Jedi Luke Sullivan about his new book Thirty Rooms To Hide In, creativity and getting out of advertising. It's a great Sunday afternoon chat with almost no cursing and only minorly bothersome mouth sounds.

Give it a listen won't you?

And stay tuned. 'Coming in August 2011: The American Copywriter Reboot.


Click to preview book


Your parental guilt trip of the day.

Oh, how many times have I given my own children “the finger.” Thanks for the find Sir Ernie.

Comment on Andrea Romani: Ecological Business Card by John

Insane, on this page promoting environmentally business cards there’s a big ad advertising plastic business cards!!!

It’s the agency card project, Charlie Brown.

Too, too true.

Hat tip to Danny G at Adpulp.

Flash Poster


Mad Men 2.0

Episode two can be found right here.

Hat tip to MTLB and Angela.

This Thanksgiving, keep scrolling down.


This Thanksgiving, we hope that all is right and good  in your corner of the universe. Thanks for being a part of the American Copywriter community. We're grateful for a lot of the friendships we've made through this dumb blog and podcast. Cheers.

Hat tip to forgetomori.

Lunch Bag Art


What a geek dad does over his lunch hour. Fucking cool.

America’s newest addiction: killing clowns.

McCormick’s high tech fight against your cabinets.


Tonight on NewsAction 41: That nutmeg in your cabinet MAY BE TOO OLD. And the same goes for your coriander and tarragon.

I am so going to test this out on a package of cloves I am sure has been with me since the mid-90's. I love technology. And, by the by, I think this is a pretty interesting tactic to attempt to address what must be their number one marketing issue. I mean how many bottles of alum do you really need to buy during the course of your life?

What to call it when a campaign goes rogue viral?

What should we call campaigns that go "bad viral"
( surveys)

In response to the recent Motrin dust-up we'd like to mint an official phrase for campaigns that go viral the wrong way. You may also suggest alternatives in the comments. It should be noted that l'm conviced we're all going to be done in by a global pandemic anyway so, really, this is oddly cathartic for me.

Sign of the apocalypse: Pepsi splits with BBDO.


Regardless of what you think about the new cans, it's clear the world has gone truly haywire when BBDO is no longer Pepsi's lead agency. BBDO had the account for 48 years. 48. That's almost 50 years for those of you keeping score at home.  In ad years that's akin to an epoch.  Adweek is reporting that the account is shifting to TBWA\C\D.Yeah, it's all within the Omnicom family but still. We make no judgment on the right or wrong of it. It's just that few (any?) advertising marriages have been so incredibly stable. The sun rises in the East and BBDO is Pepsi's agency. Please note this in your ongoing study of advertising history. This change is a certain sign that the poles of the Earth shall reverse themselves at any minute.

Rough economy spurs new kind of ad blog.


Got a note from one Erik Proulx.

A few weeks ago he was a senior copywriter at a name brand agency. Next thing he knew he's in one of those  breathless, shaky meetings where the HR person says, "Well, no one likes a meeting like this…."

Yep. Laid off.

As the first ripples of the bad economy tsunami begin lapping at advertising's shores we can unfortunately expect more of our rank to have the shell-shocking experience of a meeting like this.

So, what's an unemployed writer do? Well,  Erik's went and started a blog for newly unemployed ad person. It's called Please Feed the Animals.  It's an honest and personal look at the thoughts that, by necessity, roll through one's head. We think Erik deserves a lot of props for sharing his experience. No doubt too many of our rank will be able to benefit from the cathartic nature of it.

Hang in there, kitties.

Homer Simpson meets Don Draper.

The Simpsons spoof Mad Men. Mmmm. Pop Culture collision, agagagagagag.

Tio o' the hat to Pop Loser.