Reebok "Disco chalk" (2016) :04 (Sweden)

On May 14th, the glam hits the fan with the biggest, most glamorous music competition of the year: Eurovision. It’s a guilty pleasure among millions, and the fitness community is no exception. So to help get athletes in a sparkly mood, Reebok created Disco Chalk. Here’s the promo/gif for it.

With Reebok Disco Chalk, every workout is a fabulous workout. Its unique formula, consisting of pure chalk and a dash of glitter, turns blood, sweat and tears into a glimmering thing of the past. “To bridge the gap between two completely different worlds with a unique product has been an exciting undertaking. It’s a good example of how a creative solution can extend and become part of a wider conversation.” says Julia Eriksson, copywriter at Animal.

During the week leading up to the song contest, Reebok will be sending out the limited edition Disco Chalk to CrossFit boxes and Reebok athletes across Europe. Included in the package is a specially developed Disco Pump
workout, consisting of three key upper-body exercises to get you pumped and glittery in no time. “We wanted to find a way for our tough fitness athletes to show their love for the upcoming European song contest
without compromising on their workout routine. The solution was simple. We call it, Disco Chalk.” says Charlotte Wik, Senior Manager Digital/Publishing, Reebok Western Europe.

All I can say is, this is begging to be turned into a fabulous spot. I want to see it now.

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